首页 练字文章 27-选修六-第二单元


2024-07-17 20:02  浏览数:297  来源:Linhieng    

Since childhood, Anton had often recited poems,
accompanied by pianists and violinists,
at wedding ceremonies before brides and bridegrooms exchanged rings.
Gradually, he found writing poems the most appropriate way to convey his joy sorrow.
When his poem Contradictory Blank won him a national championship and
a scholarship to the Moscow University from a sponsor, he was just an unknown librarian.
After getting his diploma, he devoted his life to writing poems.
Using concrete but flexible language and the minimum of words is his style.
He tried out different patterns and preferred nursery rhyme in particular.
The following is a translation of one of his works made up of 3 sections:
Little sparrow with heavy load.
Ran out of energy and very cold;
No compass and all sweat salty.
Can you through the endless darkness?
Little balloon let out by the thread.
Flew over cottages and was very glad;
With warmth transformed from sunlight.
He said he could forever fly;
Take it easy, little balloon;
Don't tease the sparrow with his wound;
On the bare branch and have a rest;
This diamond heart will eventually get success.


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