首页 练字文章 我愿是一棵树(中英版)


2024-07-10 10:31  浏览数:251  来源:我大哥爱吃贡菜    

I'll be a tree, if you are its flower, 我愿是一棵树,假如你是树上的花,
Or a flower, if you are the dew, 我愿是一朵花,假如你是花上露珠,
I'll be the dew, if you are the sunbeam, 我愿是滴露珠,假如你是阳光一束,
Only to be united with you. 一切只为能与你一起,将此生共度.
My lovely girl, if you are the Heaven, 我可爱的女孩,假如你是一片天空,
I shall be a star above on high; 我愿意成为一颗行星,挂在那高出;
My darling, if you are hell fire, 我亲爱的人啊,假如你是地狱之火,
To unite us, damned I shall die. 只要能和你在一起,我愿以死相赴.


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