首页 练字文章 肖申克的救赎


2024-07-03 18:10  浏览数:171  来源:Raquel    

Any place you't like, and you't leave. Any kind of life you don't like and can't get rid o
f is prison. If you feel pain and not free, I hope you will always have a flame in your he
art that will not go out, don't numb, don't be assimilation, desperately became a powefu
l person to break the boat.Everyone's life, will bear one or that pain. But it is in t
he process of suffering from the loss that a little bit grows into a strong self. When yo
u feel pain is not free, the flame in your heart is your way out, is your hope, your mo
tivation, is the strength to support you to break through the boat and break free from bo
ndage. What you need is the desire for freedom, the love of life, and the expectation fo
r the future. Don't live too numb, don't let life assimilation you. You have to rem
ember that you are unique, you have their own value and significance, don't forget thei
r original heart because of the pressure of life, give up their dreams, you have to be t
he person who broke the boat. Because only in this way can you find your true self and yo
ur true freedom.


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