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2024-06-24 21:48  浏览数:204  来源:liruichen    

raise permission disabled teenager offer suffer serious illness
organize express pain lonely friendship difficulty joy peace hurt courage
spirits pay community in need voluntary work ask permission
suffer from raise one's spirits in order to
language communication ballet accept reject meaning gesture
message bored part-time well-dressed lady sigh matter expression
appearance impression towards hold later remind neck cross nod shake sure
body language take place sit up make a good impression on...
remind somebody about sth.
description describe fisherman net although fit cormorant dive ready
reach attract hang post require practise tool scissors pattern character
health luck wedding dough rough size simple lovely paper cutting
up to set off up and down after dark no more all the time
cartoon warning role-play symbol bubble thought rough sketch program
record effect basic stage pleasant detailed appear actor match separately
play score tea star mystery island storm jacket wave comic strip pop out
decide on video camera play against weather forecast
life jacket thank goodness make it
endangered file giantpanda obligation wild bamboo adult weight kilogram
population behaviour birth patch shoulder central menu fur cruel organization
danger face Asian weigh in the wild at birth on ones own close to
respond complaint cause chocolate dolphin click reason cute responsibility feed
according faithfully sofa noisy nearly stranger common choice lie attention scare
believe heart heartattack until care for what's more have no choice but to do
run free lie around keep somebody from(doing) sth. die of keep on
unknown alien astronaut receive hill lone explore bush quiet round damage crash
frightened discover terrible fear creature feather wonder line refuse spread mark
desert tent knife explain pleased keep quiet because of in fear
landing site as soon as possible agree with disagree with
internet post apology excuse past present hydrogen wide shape cafe recently
forever certainly recommend satisfy mix electronic relax while technology software
virus prepare in the present at the front on the Internet
in the shape of mix...with... prepare for in a second


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