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Exist For Love

2024-06-15 22:01  浏览数:330  来源:墨意亦    

they say there is a war
between the man and the woman
I've never felt like this before
my heart knew that I couldn't
and then you take me in
and everything in me begins to feel like I belong
like everybody needs a home
and when I take your hand
like the world has never held a man
I know I cannot heal the hurt
but I will hold you here forever
if I can
and then I learned th truth
how everything good in life seems to lead back to you
and every sigle time I run into your arms
I feels like I exist for love
like I exist for love
only for love
I can't imagine how it is to be forbidden from loving
cause when you walked into my life
I could feel my life begin
like I was torn apart the minute I was only born
and you're the other half
the only thing that makes me whole
I know it sounds like a lot
but you really need to know
we are learning out for love
and we will lean for love forever I know
I love you so
and when you say my name
like white horses on the waves
I think it feels the same
as an ocean in my veins
and you'll be diving in
like nothing is out of place
and we exist for love
only for love
and I love you


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