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2024-05-29 12:15  浏览数:484  来源:龚哞哞    

There are several characteristics which distinguish plants from animals.
Generally speaking, plants are able to manufacture their own food,
by using substances in the environment through the process
which is known as photosynthesis.
They can grow very well if they have enough sunshine, rainfall and fertilizer.
In contrast,all animals,including man,
get their food either directly from the plants
or indirectly by eating animals which feed on plants or other animals.
Animals,therefore, need a wider range of food than plants.
Plants are stationary.They do not have the power to move.
Animals,on the other hand,can usually move about.
Consequently,plants appear to be less sensitive than animals
although they respond in some ways to light, heat, physical contact and other stimuli.
Plants are usually green.
Animals,however,are very diverse in external appearance.
They may appear in any color you can think of.
Many people now keep animals as pets.
Some people have cats and dogs in their houses.
Other people like fish,caged birds, tortoises and even snakes, monkeys or lions.
Millions of dollars and much time are spent every year on pet food,equipment,
taming and medical treatment.
Of course,there are some people who do not look after
their pets properly or are even cruel to them.
For this reason a royal society was created in 1824
in Britain to prevent cruel treatment of animals.
In contrast to the love of pets is the fact
that blood sports still exist in most countries.
People hunt foxes, elephants,pandas, ducks rabbits, pheasants pheasants and other animals,
not because they need the meat to eat,but just for pleasure.
In some countries, blood sports like bull-fighting and cock-
fighting are common and hunting rare animals for commercial purpose
has brought about an even more serious problem in the protection of the ecosystem.
It is strange that people love certain animals,
but enjoy cruelly killing others.
Plants are very important living things.
Life could not go on if there were no plants.
This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight.
Animals and man cannot make food from air,water and sunlight.
Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals.
Man gets his food by eating plants and animals,too.
Therefore,animals and man need plants in order to live.
If you look carefully at the plants around you,


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