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2024-05-19 23:16  浏览数:309  来源:17311832657    

Should College Students Start a Business at University
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on whether
college students should start a business at university. You should write at least 120
Nowdays,more and more college students tend to start a business at university. Although
doing business may occupy students much time in studying, I still hold the view that
students should be encouraged to go in for business during their school time.
First of all, doing business enriches students'school life. It's a good choice for student
to make use of their free time to do something meaingful like engaging in business rather
than playing computer games all day long. Secondly, going in for business gives students
on campus a chance to get close to the society and gain adequate abilities such as
interpersonal and problem-solving skills,which cannot be learned from textbooks but are
of great significance. Last but not least, doing business is the best way to put what
students have learned into practice,and make them know better what the society requires
them, thus they can learn things more purposefully and efficiently.
Besides,it's noteworthy that the prerequisite for doing business is that college students
have to assure their students will not be interfered with.


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