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How is Steel Made

2024-05-18 08:54  浏览数:224  来源:小键人14370287    

How the Steel Is Tempered is a novel by Soviet writer Nikolai Ostrovsky,
first published in 1934. The novel tells the story of the protagonist Paul
Korchagin's growth from an ignorant teenager to a determined proletarian
soldier in the first person. Through the description of Paul's life, love,
work and battle, he shows the process of training and growing up in
difficulties and hardships, and symbolizes the struggle and sacrifice spirit
of a generation.While reading this book, I couldn't help but be moved
by Paul's indomitable spirit. Despite all the difficulties and challenges he faced,
he never gave up his pursuit of ideals. This not only makes me think,
in the contemporary society, this spirit of fighting for the ideal is still what we need.
Especially in the current social environment, many people may lose their direction
because of the pressure of life or temporary difficulties, at this time,
Paul's image is like a beacon, guiding us to keep moving forward.In addition,
the book also has a profound discussion of the relationship between the individual
and the collective, the contradiction and conflict between the interests of the
individual and the interests of the state. It emphasizes that only by integrating
into the collective can individuals better realize their self-worth, which is also
of great educational significance in today's society.I also noticed that
"How Steel is Tempered" is not only a work showing
the spirit of struggle, it also contains rich life philosophy. For example, Paul,
after suffering a series of blows, still chose to live a strong life,
reflecting an optimistic attitude towards life. This tells us that no matter
what difficulties we encounter, we should face them positively and make
our lives more fulfilling and meaningful.In general, although How Steel is
Tempered is a work created in a specific historical context, its theme - the
spirit of perseverance and courage - is timeless. Re-reading this book today,
I think it can still give us a lot of inspiration, teaching us to grow up in
adversity, how to become a person with ideals and responsibilities.
Therefore, this book is not only a literary classic,
but also an important textbook that we should learn.


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