首页 练字文章 四级作文21


2024-05-16 15:42  浏览数:235  来源:17311832657    

Irrational Consumption
Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write on irrational consumption.You
should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Irrational consumption has always been a common phenomenon existing among modern
people,which is especially true when it comes to college students.Financially supported
their parents,a majority of students havenn't a clue about their consumption.Usually, they
purchase what they like at the first sight regardless of the necessity and price.
As a matter of fact,the irrational consumption habit does great harm.On the one hand,it
directly leads to the blind consumption,which means unnecessary stuff is purchased and
money is wasted.On the other hand,as a bad habit,the irrational consumption will exert a
far-reaching influence on our growth,making our life lack of planning.
In order to get rid of the irrational consumption habit,I suggest that we should form the
habit of keeping a record of our consumption and making plans for what we really need.


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