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2024-04-14 20:35  浏览数:218  来源:行云流水

(1) Acoprding to a number of studies, technology can be as detrimental as drugs in terms o
f its addictiveness. (2) It is true that technology has benefited our life immensely. (3)
However, we seem to have become over-reliant on it, so much so that technology could be s
aid to have control over us rather than the reverse. (1) Whether you are dining out
in a restaurant or attending lectures at school, you can/almost/without -exception notice
people who are constantly checking their phones. (2) If asked if something urgent is both
ering: them, they would most likely reply no and that they just can't help fixing their at
tention on it. (3) This is just oneillustration of the widespread phenomenon of technology
addiction, which is giving rise to many social ills. (4) Individuals obsessed with techno
logy, such as social media and video games, often fall into a state where they lose any in
terest in offline activities. (5) This not only inclines them to ignore personal hygiene,
eating, and other self-care but also hinders them from forming healthy relationships with
others. (1) Given its harmful effects, our society should no longer maintain a complacen
t attitude to technology addiction. (2) Instead, we need to recognize it as one of the cau
ses underlying many thorny social problems and set about finding practical solutions.


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