首页 练字文章 Eating


2024-03-25 10:09  浏览数:384  来源:zhouxin8571

Eating Sleeping Playing Coloring
May I watch TV?
Sure. Go ahead.
What are you doing?
I am coloring.
Hurry up
Wait a minute.
Sorry. I am late
That's OK
Whose next?
What's this?
What's that?
It's a computer.
Clock Boart Door Desk Light Trashcan Computer Chair
Go to the board
Go back to your seat
Turn on the light
Turn off the light
Write your name.
Throw away the trash
Whose bird is that?
It's mine.
Can I hold your hamster?
Is this a snake?
Yes. It is.
No. It isn't.
Dog Cat Rabbit Hamster Turtle Bird Fish Snake
Pick up the hamster
Put down the hamster
Feed the fish
Pet the rabbit
Brush the cat
Play with the cat
Sorry. That's Okay
orch. Are you alright?
I think so
Can you swim?
Yes. It is.
No. I can't.
Swim Skate Skateboard
Flay a kite
Ride a bike
Take off your shoes.
Put on the skates.
Get on your skateboard.
Get off your bike.
Jump in the pool.
Kick your feet.


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