首页 练字文章 住在校内还是校外


2023-12-30 17:20  浏览数:521  来源:缘分啊朋友    

Live on or off Campus
Living off campus offers college students superb chances to take care of their own
development. They can learn to manage time, do laundry, go shopping, and prepare food
by themselves. These will greatly help them with their overall development and contribute
to their future success.However, living on campus has important advantages too. The
university library's reading rooms and the vacant classrooms never fail to be a perfect
environment for self-study after classes. And it is always convenient for students to ask
for help whenever they meet any problem. There are also a variety of sports facilities on
campus that can not only improve the students' physical health but also cultivate
friendship among peers.Therefore, I prefer to live on campus. In this way I can save a
lot of time from commuting from the place of residence to the classrooms, enjoy the
academic atmosphere, and also make a lot of friends with my schoolmates.


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