首页 练字文章 大学毕业生面临的就业歧视


2023-12-26 19:12  浏览数:610  来源:缘分啊朋友

College Graduates Facing Job Prejudice
Some new college graduates may find themselves discriminated against on the job market.
For example, some state owned companies only recruit local graduates and some public
positions only employ graduates above a certain height. Female graduates, no matter how
outstanding they are, may sometimes realize that their chances of finding a satisfying
job are rather slim. There are at least two reasons for the discrimination. First, with
more and more college graduates on the job market, employers now have a much larger
pool of prospective employees. Second, there seems to be no law in China to protect new
job seekers. As a result, no employers are subject to punishment for their prejudice in
the recruitment process. To tackle this problem, the government must expose the harms
that job prejudice does to the individuals and society as a whole. More importantly, it
is high time that the government should make laws to protect job seekers' rights.


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