首页 练字文章 china home to 342 million online education users

china home to 342 million online education users

2021-02-27 10:07  浏览数:587  来源:小键人597076    

By the end of 2020, the number of online education users in China
had hit 342 million, accounting for 34.6 percent of the internet-using
population, according to a report on China's internet development.
The report released by the China Internet Network Information Center
shows that the number, despite dropping by 81.25 million from March 2020,
has shot up from 233 million in June 2019.
The surge points to a promising future for the online education sector,
which will promote the balanced development of education
across the country, the report noted.
From January to October last year, China saw 82,000 new online education
firms, it said, A total of 38.8 billion yuan (around 6 billion US dollars) was
channeled into the sector in the first 11 months of 2020, a year-on-year
spike of 256.8 percent.


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