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The Cure for Loneliness

2023-12-13 21:47  浏览数:581  来源:15311484840

I'm noticing more and more often
that people tend to avoid spending time alone
because it makes them feel lonely
whenever they experience a form of anxiety
they see the company of others
to escape their negative thoughts
to be honest I do it as well
we all do
as social beings we are wired to see connection
and validation from others and
it's important but I have come to realize
that constantly running away from Solitude
may not be the healthiest approach of
living always relying on external sources
for happiness can make us too
dependent on others
it can leave us with an incomplete understanding of ourselves
in fact I've discovered that
learning to embrace and enjoy spending time alone
can really improve our mental health and emotional well-being
it's actually a powerful form of self-care and self-discovery
in the realm of psychology
spending time alone has been linked to
a stronger sense of Independence and self-resilience
which makes sense
it is an opportunity to
peel back the layers of our thoughts and emotions
without the distractions


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