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2023-11-29 22:55  浏览数:384  来源:CV张小凡    

Many people have always thought that what they struggle with others is hardship,
talent, what hard struggle;
What spell excellent students,
in fact, spell is just a little bit serious,
a little bit of detail, a little bit of this,
even hard to talk about.
Around you, there are too many lazy people,
you should only do the basic hard work,
you can get rich; In your world,
where most people are blind, you only need one eye to be king.
One can never be satisfied with the status quo, but be content with it.
To put it simply, what you do, you should be dedicated,
keep your own part, and do what you should do well,
rather than even failing to do basic efforts,
but using those imaginary equality, gorgeous dreams, social injustice,
and no talent to find excuses for your failure to succeed


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