英语四级单词4(共4500)
quality
quantity
quarrel
quart
quarter
quarterly
queen
queer
question
queue
quick
quicken
quickly
quiet
quilt
quit
quite
quiz
quotation
quote
rabbit
race
racial
rack
racket
radar
radiate
radiation
radio
radioactive
radioactivity
radish
radium
radius
rag
rage
raid
rail
railroad
railway
rain
rainbow
rainy
raise
rake
range
rank
rapid
rapidly
rare
rarely
rat
rate
rather
ratio
rational
raw
ray
razor
reach
react
reaction
read
reader
readily
reading
ready
real
reality
realize
really
realm
reap
rear
reason
reasonable
rebel
rebellion
recall
receipt
receive
receiver
recent
recently
reception
recite
recognition
recognize
recollect
recommend
recommendation
record
recorder
recover
recovery
red
reduce
reduction
reed
reel
refer
reference
refine
reflect
reflection
reflexion
reform
refresh
refreshment
refrigerator
refuge
refusal
refuse
refute
regard
regarding
regardless
region
register
regret
regular
regularly
regulate
regulation
rehearsal
reign
rein
reinforce
reject
rejoice
relate
relation
relationship
relative
relatively
relativity
relax
release
relevant
reliability
reliable
reliance
relief
relieve
religion
religious
reluctant
rely
remain
remains
remark
remarkable
remedy
remember
remind
remote
removal
remove
render
renew
rent
repair
repeat
repeatedly
repent
repetition
replace
reply
report
reporter
represent
representative
reproach
reproduce
republic
republican
reputation
request
require
requirement
rescue
research
researcher
resemble
reserve
reservior
residence
resident
resign
resignation
resist
resistance
resistant
resolution
resolve
resort
resource
respect
respectful
respective
respectively
respond
response
responsibility
responsible
rest
restaurant
restless
restore
restrain
restraint
restrict
restriction
result
resume
retain
retell
retire
retreat
return
reveal
revenge
reverse
review
revise
revolt
revolution
revolutionary
reward
rhythm
rib
ribbon
rice
rich
rid
riddle
ride
rider
ridge
ridiculous
rifle
right
rigid
ring
ripe
ripen
rise
risk
rival
river
road
roar
roast
rob
robber
robbery
robe
robot
rock
rocket
rod
role
roll
roller
Roman
romantic
roof
room
root
rope
rose
rot
rotary
rotate
rotation
rotten
rough
roughly
round
rouse
route
routine
row
royal
rub
rubber
rubbish
rude
rug
ruin
rule
ruler
rumour
run
runner
rural
rush
Russian
rust
rusty
sack
sacred
sacrifice
sad
saddle
sadly
sadness
safe
safely
safety
sail
sailor
saint
sake
salad
salary
sale
salesman
salt
salute
same
sample
sand
sandwich
sandy
satellite
satisfaction
satisfactory
satisfy
Saturday
sauce
saucer
sausage
save
saving
saw
say
scale
scan
scar
scarce
scarcely
scare
scarf
scatter
scene
scenery
scent
schedule
scheme
scholar
scholarship
school
science
scientific
scientist
scissors
scold
scope
score
scorn
scout
scrape
scratch
scream
screen
screw
sea
seal
seaman
seaport
search
season
seat
second
secondary
secondly
secret
secretary
section
secure
security
see
seed
seek
seem
seize
seldom
select
selection
self
selfish
sell
seller
semester
semiconductor
senate
send
senior
sense
sensible
sensitive
sentence
separate
separately
separation
September
sequence
series
serious
seriously
servant
serve
service
session
set
setting
settle
settlement
seven
seventeen
seventh
seventy
several
severe
severely
sew
sex
shade
shadow
shady
shake
shall
shallow
shame
shampoo
shape
share
sharp
sharpen
sharply
shave
she
shear
shed
sheep
sheet
shelf
shell
shelter
shepherd
shield
shift
shilling
shine
ship
shirt
shiver
shock
shoe
shoot
shop
shopkeeper
shopping
shore
short
shortage
shortcoming
shortly
shot
should
shoulder
shout
show
shower
shriek
shrink
shut
shy
sick
sickness
side
sideways
sigh
sight
sightseeing
sign
signal
signature
significance
significant
silence
silent
silk
silly
silver
similar
similarly
simple
simplicity
simplify
simply
sin
since
sincere
sing
singer
single
singular
sink
sir
sister
sit
site
situation
six
sixteen
sixth
sixty
size
skate
sketch
ski
skill
skilled
skillful
skim
skin
skirt
sky
slam
slave
slavery
sleep
sleepy
sleeve
slender
slice
slide
slight
slightly
slip
slipper
slippery
slit
slogan
slope
slow
slowly
slum
sly
small
smart
smell
smile
smog
smoke
smooth
smoothly
snake
snow
snowstorm
snowy
so
soak
soap
sob
sober
so-called
soccer
social
socialism
socialist
society
sock
soda
soft
softly
soil
solar
soldier
sole
solely
solemn
solid
soluble
solution
solve
some
somebody
somehow
someone
something
sometime
sometimes
somewhat
somewhere
son
song
soon
sophisticated
sore
sorrow
sorry
sort
soul
sound
soup
sour
source
south
southeast
southern
southwest
Soviet
sow
space
spacecraft
spaceship
spade
span
Spanish
spare
spark
sparkle
sparrow
speak
speaker
spear
special
specialist
speciality
specialize
specially
specific
specify
specimen
spectacle
speech
speed
spell
spelling
spend
sphere
spider
spill
spin
spirit
spiritual
spit
splash
splendid
split
spoil
sponge
sponsor
spontaneous
spoon
sport
sportsman
spot
spray
spread
spring
springtime
sprinkle
spur
spy
square
squeeze
squirrel
stab
stability
stable
stack
stadium
staff
stage
stain
stair
staircase
stake
stale
stamp
stand
standard
standpoint
star
stare
start
startle
starve
state
statement
statesman
static
station
statistical
statue
status
stay
steadily
steady
steal
steam
steamer
steel
steep
steer
stem
step
stern
steward
stewardess
stick
sticky
stiff
stiffen
still
stimulate
sting
stir
stitch
stock
stocking
stomach
stone
stony
stool
stoop
stop
storage
store
storey
storm
stormy
story
stove
straight
strain
strange
stranger
strap
strategy
straw
strawberry
stream
street
strength
strengthen
stress
stretch
strict
strictly
strike
string
strip
stripe
stroke
strong
strongly
structural
structure
struggle
student
study
stuff
stumble
stupid
style
subject
submarine
submerge
submit
subsequent
substance
substantial
substitute
subtract
suburb
subway
succeed
success
successful
successfully
succession
successive
such
suck
sudden
suddenly
suffer
sufficient
sufficiently
sugar
suggest
suggestion
suit
suitable
sulphur
sum
summarize
summary
summer
sun
Sunday
sunlight
sunny
sunrise
sunset
sunshine
super
superficial
superior
supermarket
supper
supplement
supply
support
suppose
supreme
sure
surely
surface
surgeon
surgery
surname
surprise
surprising
surprisingly
surrender
surround
surroundings
survey
survive
suspect
suspend
suspicion
sustain
swallow
swamp
swan
swarm
sway
swear
sweat
sweater
sweep
sweet
swell
swift
swim
swing
Swiss
switch
sword
symbol
sympathetic
sympathize
sympathy
synthetic
system
systematic(al)
table
tablet
tag
tail
tailor
take
tale
talent
talk
tall
tame
tan
tank
tap
tape
target
task
taste
tax
taxi
tea
teach
teacher
teaching
team
tear
technical
technician
technique
technology
tedious
teenager
telegram
telegraph
telephone
telescope
television
tell
temper
temperature
temple
temporary
tempt
temptation
ten
tenant
tend
tendency
tender
tennis
tense
tent
tenth
term
terminal
terrible
terrific
territory
terror
test
text
textbook
textile
than
thank
that
the
theatre
their
theirs
them
themselves
then
theoretical
theory
there
thereby
therefore
thermometer
these
they
thick
thickness
thief
thin
thing
think
third
thirdly
thirst
thirsty
thirteen
thirty
this
thorn
thorough
those
though
thought
thoughtful
thousand
thread
threat
threaten
three
thrill
thrive
throat
throne
throng
through
throughout
throw
thrust
thumb
thunder
Thursday
thus
tick
ticket
tide
tidy
tie
tiger
tight
till
timber
time
timetable
timid
tin
tiny
tip
tire
tired
tissue