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2023-11-22 17:15  浏览数:806  来源:小键人13658970

Recently, our university is conducting a survey about students' opinions on online courses
.As far as Iam concerned, online course have both advantages disadvantages. Among all the
advantages of online courses, flexibility comes first:Student can learn anytime and anywhe
re. Second, through online courses,students have access to high-quality coursesoffered by
renewned teachers at home and abroad . Furthermore ,students can watch replays and learn d
ifficult points repeatedly .Despite these advantages, the shortcoming of online courses sh
ould not be ignorned.One the one hand ,a high level of interaction between students and te
achers is hard to achieve. On the other hand ,students demand qualities such as self-disci
pline and motivation, and it is difficult for most students to keep concentration without
the supervision of teachers.Given the overall situation of online classes in our universi
ty ,I think , to improve the effectiveness of online courses, teachers ought to offer mor
e opportunities for interaction and collaboration . Besides, students should improve their
abilities ofself-learning , making good use of online courses.


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