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2023-11-21 22:16  浏览数:345  来源:大毛_

With the rapid development of ... , nowadays youngsters have different option.
随着 economy/culture/society/technology/medical service/education 的快速发展
Some thinks that 某事A is beneficial, while others thinks 某事B is a better choice.
Personally, I prefer the former/latter.
The following reasons can account for my preference.
First and foremost, there is no doubt that 论点1:某事A is (积极方面).
Base on a most recent survey, it is revealed that 论据1.
Additionally, it is obvious that 论点2.
Where there is/are XXX, there is/are XXX. 有什么,就有什么 .论据2
Last but not least, no one can deny that 论点3:做某事A is easier than 做某事B.
Though... , most of people...(论据3)
In a word, A is better suitable than B.
If we spare no efforts to 做某事, the future of 某事 will be promising and rosy.


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