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2023-10-10 21:35  浏览数:410  来源:小键人13674119    

I agree with the argument that society should save endangered species if
the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities, since we
need keep the environmental balance. However, we still need save some species
even if the potential extinction is not because of human. Because they have some
important value for us.
If some species be endangered because of the human activities, then it is necessary
for society to save them. Because this unnatural extinction will break the the principle
if the environment, which probably damage the food chain of the nature. For example,
if a lot of people capture the rabbit and cause the potential extinction of them, then
some animals whose food is from the rabbit will also be endangered since they do not
have enough food to eat. This process will break the environmental balance. If things
continue in this way, it also will threat to human existence. So it is the necessary
responsibility for human to save these endangered species.
Besides, even if for some endangered species which is not because if human activities,
society still should save since they have some value to the society and human themselves.
First of all, some species have the business value. For example, panda has much business
value for China. Although the main reason for them becoming endangered is because
of the change of environment rather than human activities, Chinese people still spend
much money and energy to take care of them. The reason is as the famous animals all
around the world, there are many tourists would like to buy the tickets and watch them
in the zoo everyday. In this way, panda has brought a lot of money to China and will
appeal more and more tourists from other countries to travel there. Just like China,
there are many countries build many different kinds of natural park which has many
different animals and plants even some endangered species to attract tourists and
promote the development of business.
Some species also have food value for human and society also need make sure they
are not endangered. Because if some species as food of human has the potential extinction
by some other reasons such as illness or some natural hazard, it is possible to have the
result of food shortage if human do not save them. In addition, some species also have
some special effect such as treat some particular illness. So if people do not save them,
it will bring some negative influence on human themselves.
In conclusion, as long as it is benefit for human to save the species and have negative
effect for them if do not save them, then society should spend money and energy to make
sure these species not in danger.


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