首页 练字文章 hero


2023-10-04 12:34  浏览数:520  来源:小键人7065314

My Hero
What is a hero ? Someone who saves the world , who wins a war ,
who saves children from dying from terrible diseases ? In the last
hundred years , most of our lives have not been touched by war .
most phave good health care and life is not too hard . I think that in
the last hundred years , there are different kinds of heroes . If I had
to choose a hero from the last hundred years , it would be Elvis Presley.
Elvis had a big impact in the world . I do not know his character , but I
think he wanted to get peoples attention and challenge them . He must
not have been afraid of controversy . Elvis must have had these
characteristics to do what he did , because he changed the worlds view of
music forever . He made itsomething for young people and he made it
possible for it to be different from music before . Elvis was the father of rock
and roll and he made all of the different kinds of music that are popular with
youngpeople today possible , such as hip hop , pop and metal .I say Elvis is
a hero because all of these kinds of music make people happy . By going
on stage and shocking people , he made it possible for kids today to both
enjoy music and express themselves in differentways through music .
In conclusion , I think that Elvis's contribution to today's music is very
important . Each time I hear a popsong that makes me happy when Im sad ,
or have fun with friends at a concert , I owe a thanks to ElvisThe world would
not be the same without him .


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