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Voyagers 1-Page 220

2023-09-14 13:19  浏览数:350  来源:我就是那    

This realignment of existing Keylon Codes prepares the body
for dormant DNA code activations that can be initiated through
Keylontic Science DNA Activations Exercises. This exercise does not
activate dormant DNA codes, but prepares the body to better synthesize
later DNA activations, thus it is considered to be a Keylon Code Preactivation
In using any form of hypnotic or consciousness-expansion
technique it is important to first have a rudimentary understanding of the
multi-dimensional mental processes involved in such manipulations of
consciousness. You do not have to understand the complex workings of
the brain and neurological structure to create a working comprehension
of the mind and the attributes of consciousness associated with that
facility. It is however useful to have a basic model of the structure of
multi-dimensional identity in order to gain sovereignty over the
processes associated with the multi-dimensional mind. For this reason
we will provide the following model of multi-dimensional identity and a
brief introduction to the Components of Mind associated with these
identity levels. Using this framework you will be able to begin learning
to direct multi-dimensional energy into effective transformational
patterns on a conscious level. At your present stage of evolution much
of these energy-directing functions take place on levels of awareness
that are beyond your conscious view. As your consciousness evolves
these functions will progressively come under your conscious direction.
The Six Primary Levels of Identity and the Four
Components of Mind.
The “mind" is an attribute of consciousness. The mind does not
produce consciousness, consciousness is not a product of mind, but
rather the mind is a structure of energy that consciousness creates and
uses in order to participate within realities that have their basis in
differentiated perception. Perception itself is an attribute of
consciousness and mind, it is the product of consciousness using the
facilities and structures of mind. The mind is the portion of your identity
that allows you to experience individuality. The mind exists as a large
conglomerate of electromagnetic energy units called Partiki, which span
multiple dimensional fields. Consciousness itself does not possess form
other than the units of electrotonal energy of which it is composed
(Partiki), but consciousness uses form constructions such as the mind to
create the experience of differentiated perception.
- MCEO teachings


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