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2023-09-13 12:52  浏览数:317  来源:小键人13670626    

in this engrossing picture, what can be seen
which gives people a sense of cheerfulness and fulfillment.
they seem to be engrossed in interacting with each other with relish
the fabulous picture vividly shows that
which allows people to stay away from the stress in the daily life
as shown in the informative image, we can see
which reminds me of my fascinating childhood memory when I was a kid
it is apparent that swelling ranks of people deem that
which is widespread.
which are elucidated as follows. the first
merit which is meaningful is that....
people can strive hard to be indulged in
more effectively and efficiently.
subsequently, if not
there will be less discontent and less discomfort.
I opine that it is phenomenal and intriguing.
the second way which is of significance is that..... ,
people should be engrossed
in interacting with others with relish,
To conclude, I opine that .... is conducive to .....


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