首页 练字文章 condolences


2023-06-13 20:21  浏览数:611  来源:13182010658    

Dear Li Hua
Please accept my deepest sympathies for the death of your father.
When I learned of the news. I couldn't help crying.
Because you are my best friend, and I know the importance of your father on your mind.
Whenever you are in trouble, you father can encourage and help you. Therefore I feel your
loss deeply. My sincere condolences to you at this sad time. May you find comfort and the
strength to cope with this unfortunate thing. As sad as the situation is, don't give up
hope in your life. There are still a lot of people who love you, like me and your mother.
You are in duty bound to take care of your own health and to undertake family affairs.
With my deepest sympathy.


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