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Living green

2023-06-12 17:47  浏览数:842  来源:13182010658

With the rise of the global temperatures and the increase of carbon dioxide,
there is a growing realization of the importance of protecting environment.
So I call for that we need to live a green and sustainable life.
We can live a green life by doing the following little things.
Firstly, we should drive less, commute by bike or foot more,and consider whether or not
trips by car are necessary at all.
Secondly, it's very significant that we can bring cloth bag when we go grocery shopping
instead of plastic bag. The last but not least,
saving water and saving electricity and this is what our parents taught us
when we were young. The Chinese has an old saying
“Many hands make light work" As long as we all make a little effort to live a green life,
the environment will be better and better.


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