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Study abroad

2023-06-11 21:46  浏览数:618  来源:13182010658    

Nowaday, more and more students decide to study abroad to broaden their horizons
and study other language and culture about these countries they choose to stay in.
Studying abroad has many advantages,
like being exposed to entirely new ideas and trends,
promoting the foreigen language capacity, and learning to be independent.
However, every coins has two sides. Studying abroad also brings many troubles.
When you are in a completely unfamiliar place,
there may be language barriers and culture conflicts.
In addition, the cost of studying abroad is quite a lot, so they need more money.
What's more, they can't help but to get homesick, and that they must standard.
In general, the trend of more and more people studying abroad is a good thing.
It represents the increase of China's economic level and
the improvement of Chinese people's pursuit.


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