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Online shopping

2023-04-26 21:01  浏览数:1093  来源:13431538582

Buying and selling online has become important parts of many people's lives.
Consumers have embraced online shopping as a cheaper and more convenient
way to buy what they want. However, the fact that shopping online is not really
a cheap way cannot be neglected.
Attracted by discount coupons or other types of overwhelming promotions,
consumers tend to overspend online.
Sadly, a large proportion of those items they have bought online
are later found unnecessary or useless.
Once consumers want return those items, they may be required to
pay a return fee. Consumers also face losses on products like fruits and vegetables,
which are very unlikely to be kept 100% fresh during transportation.
Moreover, to achieve higher sales,unscrupulous businesses may display misleading,
exaggerated of fraudulent information,
leading to a higher risk of fraud and a huge loss of money for consumers.
Therefore, to enjoy a turly lower price of online products,
we should go through websites carefully,
and think twice before we choose to pay for the products.


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