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2023-03-31 15:52  浏览数:1010  来源:小键人13244990

I’d like to describe the
There is an ongoing dispute about xxx.
From my perspective, two momentous factors can explain why I do maintain the belief that
There are several quintessential instances and reasons involved thereof.
The manifest sentiment coincides with my standpoint is that...for instance.
Additionally, advocates utterly concede that.
for example
Finally, we can arrive at the undeniable conclusion that it is indisputable for people to
It will exert a profound effect on people’s life.
It is commonly acknowledged that...
merits and demerits
an extraordinary solution
We can see in this intriguing and quaint picture
that there are x vivacious people doing sth...
It can manifestly seen in this fabulous snapshot that...
As depicted in this engrossing image,...


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