首页 练字文章 英语


2023-03-26 16:36  浏览数:514  来源:小键人9335961

I'm sorry, could you repeat that
Could you say that again
Sorry, I didn't catch that/you
I beg your pardon
can you help me: it means we will do it together
could you help me
Could you help me move this table
Could you do me a favour
Would you mind doing me a favour
My English is bad
My English is not so good
My English is awful
My English sucks
My English still needs to be improved
Excuse me, could you give me directions to the station? I'm sorry, my English sucks.
I just got off work
I just got done with work
I'm done for the day
I am off
I just got out of work
What I gotta do
It's up to you
You are the boss
As you please
It's your call
I am screwed
I am done
I am doomed
I am in trouble
hit the books
What brings you here
When pigs fly


去打字就可以设置个性皮肤啦!(O ^ ~ ^ O)