首页 练字文章 The importance of seizing the moment

The importance of seizing the moment

2023-02-21 09:32  浏览数:794  来源:小键人11165943

There is a renowned saying that the beat preparation for tomorrow doing your best today. I
t tells us that a bright future is awaiting us only if wo can seize the moment and try our
utmost to achieve our goals. Beyond doubt , without taking action right now a goal isonly
a wish. Without each step wo move, you can never touch your goals. For a college student
daydreaming about scoring high in the CET-6 exam but make no efforts, failure is his only
destiny. The same thing can be said of some adults(grow-ups) who aspire to acquire fame an
d fortune but never bother to put their splendid plans into actions.Therefore, we must kee
p in mind that every effort today paves your way forward. To pursue our dreams, it is impe
rative for us move ourselves into immediate action and doour utmost. Only in this way can
we fulfill our dreams.


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