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2022-11-22 16:34  浏览数:853  来源:小键人10203313    

#Do the benefits of globalization outweigh the drawbacks?
Some people believe that boundaries between countries
become less evident each year due to the rapid development of globalization.
Although this trend has some drawbacks, I would agree that
the benefits of globalization outweigh the drawbacks.
One the one hand, I believe that globalization has many positive impacts on our life.
Firstly, by globalization business become increasingly international.
Multinational companies tend to do more business across the world.
So, they can produce products in some place and trade it in another.
For example, McDonald's company opened many branches on every street across the world.
Secondly, the globalization offers more job opportunities to people
in developing countries
and encourage investment in it.
By this, they fight poverty and low socioeconomic status.
Finally, free trade between countries could strength the political relationships
between countries and this may result in more peace and long friendship between them.
For instance, many Asian third world countries are generating
their lion share of foreign currency reservation by exporting readymade garments.
This has been possible only because of the globalization.
On the other hand, globalization is not beneficial to everyone.
One problem is that globalization could lead to increase redundancy
and job loss in developed countries.
Companies can move to developing countries where labor is cheap.
Another drawback is that globalization can lead to increase
waste production and pollution. This affects the human health negatively.
In conclusion, I would argue that the benefits of globalization
outweigh the negative impact.
Also, there should be globalization regulation for the salaries and
the working environment
and the government should impose laws to protect the environment from pollution.


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