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艺术任务 科学技术

2022-11-18 17:30  浏览数:750  来源:小键人10035271    

Science and technology has been increasing in importance around the world,
and many schools are placing more emphasis on studying related subjects.
If this trend continues, study of arts and humanities may eventually disappear.
In my opinion, the study of these vital areas of knowledge should continue to
play an equally important role in education.
Adequate knowledge of science and technology has a great influence on the
future career of many school students. If they gain qualifications and develop
skills related to these areas of study, they will find it easier to acquire highly
paid and secure jobs when they graduate from university. More and more
employers these day need specialists in technology rather than those with
a more general education. For example, knowledge of computer science is
vital for almost any job, and in future it may be almost impossible to find
one without good computer skills.
However, this does not automatically mean that school education should
just focus on the knowledge of science and technology. After all, this is too
narrow to ensure an all-round development of students. In this case, studying
the arts and humanities also plays an essential role in education, and is of vital
importance in maintaining a healthy society. If scientific and technological
expertise became the only goal, a nation could lose touch with its own traditional
culture and values. As a result, it might treat the lives of human beings as less
important than technical developments, and the rights of individuals would be affected.
For example, scientists might be allowed to conduct dangerous experiments on
people in order to develop new medical techniques.
Although it is important to ensure the development of science and technology
education in order to keep economy health,the civilizing influence that studying
the arts and humanities brings to society must not be lost. Therefore the study of
both of these areas should continue to be of equal importance in education systems.


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