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A Seaside Holiday

2022-10-25 17:22  浏览数:881  来源:220718    

Once we spent our holiday at the seaside .When we arrived at the seaside ,
the weather was fine and everything around us was beautiful .The sea was all
blue with seagulls hovering to and fro.Some boats were floating on the still sea
and some speed boats were rushing quickly across the water.
We all enjoyed a pleasant time. Most of us swan in the sea.We played and
splashed water onto one another .Having swum for a white, we went to the shore and
bathed in the sun on the sand groud.Some went boating .They sang as they boated.
The others played games at the shore.
We all spent the time happily.When it was time to go back ,we were all reluctant to leave.
We were freshened by the sea wind and fascinated by the scenery.
The bath in the sea made us healthy and comfortable .I should say a holiday at
the seaside is really enjoyable and profitable.


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