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Steve Jobs 1

2022-10-10 19:44  浏览数:564  来源:小键人9159619    

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
---Apple's "Think Different" commercial, 1997
AL ALCORN. Chief engineer at Atari, who designed Pong and hired Jobs.
GIL AMELIO. Became CEO of Apple in 1996, bought NeXT, bringing Jobs back.
BILL ATKINSON. Early Apple employee, developed graphics for the Macintosh.
CHRISANN BRENNAN. Jobs"s girlfriend at Homestead High, mother of his daughter Lisa.
LISA BRENNAN-JOBS. Daughter of Jobs and Chrisann Brennan, born in 1978;
became a writer in New York City.
NOLAN BUSHNELL. Founder of Atari and entrepreneurial role model for Jobs.
BILL CAMPBELL. Apple marketing chief during Jobs's first stint at Apple and
board member and confidant after Jobs's return in 1997.
EDWIN CATMULL. A cofounder of Pixar and later a Disney executive.
KOBUN CHINO. A Soto Zen master in California who became Jobs's spiritual teacher.
LEE CLOW. Advertising wizard who created Apple's "1984"ad and worked with Jobs for
three decades.
DEBORAN "DEBI" COLEMAN. Early Mac team manager who tool over Apple manufacturing.
TIM COOK. Steady, calm, chief operating officer hired by Jobs in 1998; replaced Jobs as
Apple CEO in August 2011.
EDDY CUE. Chief of Internet services at Apple, Jobs's wingman in dealing with content
ANDREA "ANDY" CUNNINGHAM. Publicist at Regis McKenna's firm who handled Apple in the
early Macintosh years.
MICHAEL EISNER. Hard-driving Disney CEO who made the Pixar deal, then clashed with Jobs.
LARRY ELLISON. CEO of Oracle and personal friend of Jobs.
TONY FADELL. Punky engineer brought to Apple in 2001 to develop the iPod.
SCOTT FORSTALL. Chief of Apple's mobile device software.
ROBERT FRIEDLAND. Reed student, proprietor of an apple farm commune, and spiritual
seeker who influenced Jobs, then went on to run a mining company.


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