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2022-08-12 08:06  浏览数:758  来源:小键人7065314    

These days , it is noticeable that young people are becoming less
interested in team games , sports and other forms of exercise . It
is my belief that this is mainly because of our everyday work .
Besides , I think every person would admit that sitting and relaxing is
much easier than moving and running and sweating
The question is , how
much of this laziness is becauseof the sports programmes on television ?
From one point of view it could be true that these programmes make young
people lazy . However , this may be because some people who like sport .
and also like watching sports , are attracted to the television programmes
and spend so much time watching sport that there is spare time for them
to participate that.
By contrast , watching sport may encourage some other young people to take
up sport , as these individuals might like that port and consequently want to
try it to see how it feels . Watching such programmes on television can make
us feel that we want to be active , want to play basketball , or go swimming
and so on. Thus , I would suggest that there are positive aspects of watching.
In my opinion , the fundamental issue is the reason why we like sport . Does
an individual like sport merely as a spectator or as a participant ? If the reason
is simply the pleasureof watching other people playing volleyball or football
or even dancing , that person will never want to be among those who take
part . However , if a person enjoys being active
and joining in , then sports programmes will never prevent this.


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