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2022-08-08 12:41  浏览数:442  来源:小键人7065314    

Hi Julie
I've got some exciting news to tell you - Rose and I
are giving up our jobs and were planning to open an art gallery
in Brighton! I know this is all a bit sudden . but we treated
ourselves to a weekend in a luxury hotel recently , and when
Rose made a joke over dinner , I suddenly realised that it was
the first time that I'd laughed aloud for weeks . Isn't that awful ?
So then we both started to talk soundly about how much we
hated our jobs and our lives , and we quickly realised that we
needed to start afresh before it's too late . After that conversation ,
I felt as if a weight had been lifted off me , and I slept openly for
the first time in years! I've always had a particular interest in Asian
art , and I know that people speak extensively of many contemporary
Asian artists . So our plan is to spend six months travelling highly in
India and Pakistan , and then to come back and set up the shop
Anyway , I know you l be excited for us , and
wed love to see you before we set off on our travels.
All the best


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