首页 练字文章 On the Practice of Setting Off Fireworks

On the Practice of Setting Off Fireworks

2022-07-31 11:08  浏览数:1834  来源:茶白茶    

Nowadays, the convention of setting off fireworks on the Spring Festival is
confronted with the prohibition from the government, which has aroused
heated discussions.
Opinions vary from person to person. Some people, including me, think that
fireworks should not be banned, as they decorate the dark sky at night and
always bring people pleasure and happiness. What's more, fireworks are often
considered the symbol of auspiciousness and people believe they will have a bright
future by setting them off during a festival. Others believe that it does more harm
than good to set off fireworks because accidents frequently happen and people
always get hurt. Also, setting off fireworks will definitely lead to air pollution,
which is likely to affect everyone.
There is no doubt that setting off fireworks has its merits as well as drawbacks.
The key to solving this problem is to improve the quality of fireworks, which can not
only make sure that it is totally safe to set off fireworks but also cause the least


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