首页 练字文章 考研英语作文


2022-06-25 17:09  浏览数:961  来源:小键人5320085

Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Students' Union of Bejing Foreign Students University, I would like
to extend our heartfelt welcome to all the overseas students who will study in our uni
It is my great pleasure to offer you several practical suggestions. In the
first place, life in this prestigious university is perhaps not as easy as you have
expected. You may be tightly bound by daily classes, abundant homework and
frequent exams. Thus, be prepared for the hectic life here. In the second
place, in spite of all those burdens, various extracurricular activities such as
sports meets, speech contests and social gatherings will still provide ample
opportunities to make friends. So, enjoy your life in this es-
teemed institude!
All in all, although there is a lot of pressure, the time you spend on our campus will
be worhwhile and enhance your whole life. Hope you like it here!
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming


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