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2022-05-03 23:12  浏览数:1261  来源:小键人5595231

Failure does that as well.I once visited a day care center,where I saw three toddlers
paly with identical plastic toys.You had to slide the red button,and a cute doggie
would pop put.One little girl tried pulling a purple button, then pushing it,and then
she just sat back and looked at the box,with her lower lip trembling.The little boy
next to her watched this happened,then turned to his box and burst into tears without
even touching it.Weanwhile,another littlegirl tried everything she could think of unti
she slid the red button,the cute doggie popped put,and she squealed with delight.So
three toddlers with identical plastic toys, but with very different reactions to failure.
The first two toddlerswere perfectly capable of sliding a red button.The only thing
that prevented them from succeedingwas that their mind tricked them into believing
they could not.Now,adult set of feelings and beliefs that gets triggered whenever we
encounterfrustrations and setbacks.


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