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2022-04-28 10:23  浏览数:241  来源:小键人5327492    

Once upon a time, I had asked my elders the same question
in a history textbook, and I had heated discussions with my classmates,
and I was extremely angry. In truth, looking at our five thousand years of
history and step by step to modern times from Yao Shun Yu to
Qin Han Dynasty, from tortoise shell bronze tripod to painting and calligraphy
porcelain, it is not the grand style of our great country. Nevertheless, to the
chapters of "the end of the Qing Dynasty", "the loss of power and the
humiliation of the country" and the "ceded land indemnity" chapters of modern
history have made all Chinese people toughly cry and blood. What is going on in
China? What should we Chinese do!
As the qualified Chinese, I am enormously familiar with modern Chinese history.
That is, the humiliation that China has suffered and the efforts of generations
of Chinese people, such as the "Wuxu Reform", "Westernization Movement",
"Xinhai Revolution" and "War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression".
Finally, Chairman Mao’s words "The Chinese people have stood up" resounded
across the sky on the Tiananmen Square. Since then, the days when imperialist
powers acted and trampled on China at will are gone forever!
The Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to create a new China, which
gives us a platform for peace, development, construction and progress.
The children are still young and may not understand, but our new generation of
socialism is the witness and bearer of the rapid development and rapid changes
of the motherland. From the early small home appliances and daily life products are
all good from abroad, now we are made in China and created in China to occupy
the global market, and even our moon landing and Mars exploration have been
at the forefront of technology.
Suddenly, those so-called world powers suddenly discovered that China has
changed. Instead, they no longer look up to others and do not need to pay
attention to their mind, and their so-called containment and sanctions no longer


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