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2020-05-31 19:07  浏览数:674  来源:Lilian0219    

A Long March 11 carrier rocket was launched on the early morning of Saturday, sending two
technology demonstration satellites into orbit, according to China Aerospace Science and
Technology Corp.
The State-owned space giant said in a statement that
the solid-propellant rocket blasted off at 4:13
am at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province, marking its first mission
at the center and the 332nd flight of Long March series.
The mission also marked the first use of a 2-meter-diameter fairing on Long March 11 and
the first use of a new launch vehicle, the statement said.
The two satellites lifted were developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Innovation
Academy for Microsatellites in Shanghai and National University of Defense Technology
in Hunan province's Changsha and are tasked with conducting inter-satellite data
link and Earth observation tests, the company said, adding that Long March 11
will undertake several flights on land-based launch centers and its sea-launch platform.
Designed and built by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, the
Long March 11 is the first and only solid-fuel rocket in the Long March family, the
pillar of the country's space programs.
The model has a length of 20.8 meters, a diameter of 2 meters and a liftoff weight of 58
metric tons. It is capable of sending satellites to low-Earth orbit or Sun-synchronous
orbit, according to the academy.
Its first flight was in September 2015 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in
northwestern China's Gobi Desert, ferrying four satellites to a Sun-synchronous orbit.
By now, the rocket has performed nine launches, including a seaborne mission from
the Yellow Sea in June 2019, and successfully placed
39 satellites into space in those operations.
Designers have begun to develop an upgraded variant of the Long March 11 called
the Long March 11A, which will be wider and taller than its predecessor and will
have greater thrust, designers have said.
The new model will be able to send 1.5 tons of payload to a
Sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 700 km, nearly four times the Long
March 11's capacity to that orbit.


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