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Story time

2022-04-15 14:26  浏览数:2357  来源:高梓朔

Music teacher :The singing test will be on May 4th.
Zoom :I can't sing well.
Zip :Don't worry.Practice makes perfect.
Zip :Will you come to the party?Today is Rabbit's birthday.
Zoom :Sorry,I can't.I want to practise my song.
Rabbit :Will you play football with me after lunch?
Zoom :Sorry,I can't.I want to practise my song.
Cat :Let's watch TV together.The show is very funny.
Zoom :Sorry,I need more practice.
Music teacher :good job,Zoom.
Zoom :Thank you,Miss Bird.
Cat :I'll go swimming tonnight .Will you go?
Zoom :Of course!


去打字就可以设置个性皮肤啦!(O ^ ~ ^ O)