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Legislator calls for strengthe

2020-05-30 17:22  浏览数:944  来源:Lilian0219

The government should ensure its financial allocation, strengthen
the management of education funds and attract social capital into
higher educational institutions to secure the nation's sustainable growth
in the post-pandemic era, a national legislator said.
Qin He, a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress, urged the
country to offer more support for universities and colleges focusing
on training applications-oriented professionals - both in policy
measures and funds, as well as support them to establish practical
resource allocation and evaluation mechanisms.
Qin, who also is president of Jilin International Studies University,
noted that with rapid expansion of higher education, many issues
have appeared, such as imbalanced organizational structure and
a development gap between universities in China's western and eastern regions.
She urged the policymakers to review college admissions
and management modes and establish a flexible management
system, as this would be helpful to link universities' enrollment
plans with the quality of professionals, the employment situation
of graduates and funding for universities and colleges.
"It is also necessary to adjust and optimize higher educational
institutions' operational ability to encourage them better pursue
high-quality development in the next stage and eliminate those
with low quality and efficiency," she added.
Qin also suggested the government adequately adjust and
improve universities' ability in subject setting, calling the country
to pay more attention on competitive subjects, including
communication technology, biotechnology, new materials,
new energy, artificial intelligence, deep space and deep sea
exploration, and other emerging fields, as well as establish
major scientific research infrastructure facilities in selected universities and colleges.


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