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socity changes

2022-04-11 10:49  浏览数:434  来源:18838222452

When it comes to the deliberations with regard to the society changes,
some traditions are abandoned, I would assert by instinct that this
tradition must be girl couldn’t go to school. whereupon it is my exclusive
standpoint. When I was youngling, I often heard my grandmother said to
me that I was so fortunate, because when she was younger like me, the girl
didn't allow to go to school, whereupon it made me very extraordinarily.
Such occurrence was normally in my grandmother's age, especially in the suburb,
a considerable number of girls didn't have their rights to studied, their responsibility
was only do housework, and they got married very early. To put it in a nutshell, the
aforementioned experience gave me a profound perception about the society changes,
girls couldn't go to school this tradition was abandoned.


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