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Topic : Recycling

2022-03-27 12:55  浏览数:552  来源:Evieee    

Many people believe that we have become a 'disposable' society, throwing things
away rather than repairing them and reusing them. Why do you think that is?
What are some of the possible problems this can cause?
Topic : Recycling
Type : Double Questions
There are arguments to suggest that individuals have come to be a terrific consumer
of goods with no initiative to recycle old things, which aren't functioning anymore.
Primarily, it might be argued that the arrival of technology has an enormous
contribution to some people's mindset about personal gear. It's frequently
claimed that many factories have embraced machines' use in manufacturing items
such as appliances and mobile phones. Therefore they can quicken the reproduction
but with a reduced quality. Some businessmen have accumulated the raw materials
to other nations, which might offer frugal spare parts. Due to the inexpensive materials,
these store owners may decrease the purchase price of the products that could be
amenable to the general public. Furthermore, there's a strong argument that asserts
that humankind's behaviour has changed in this modern period because of advancement
in technology. For example, some people may not be so keen to bring their defected tools
to the repair centre due to the new model that may develop on the market.
On the other hand, it's widely believed that there are adverse effects of being casual
about the chances that non-functional merchandise maybe use again.
Firstly, it would lead to contamination because those products are made from plastic and
toxic chemicals. For example, an inventory of mobile phones can't be disposed of readily
through incineration. It would be a tricky problem when there was a surplus of these
personal goods. Secondly, there's a view that the next generation may adopt this
tendency because the advancement of technology is inevitable. By way of instance,
some kids might acclimatise to the opinion and temperament of their seniority.
Thus this tendency is going to be handed to their next offspring.
It's the environment and the merit of the next generation,
which will be impacted by this trend.


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