首页 练字文章 2016.1


2022-03-13 00:36  浏览数:289  来源:小键人4857796

Each age has its own art form. Imagine that: on Saturday morning, grandfather is enjoying
the Moonlight Sonata, while his grandson turns the radio up to max listening rock music.
It is not something we expected, but it happens sometimes around us, or in our family.
Some believed that the traditional art forms like classic music, painting,
will sooner or later be abandoned by the young people and inevitably replaced by new art
forms better suited to our age. It seems that they are telling the truth.
In ancient China, shadow Puppets used to be one of the most popular forms of
entertainment , especially for children. When there is festival, wedding, or harvest, the
troupe would set a platform a wonderful play with colorful exquisite props. Sometimes the
performance would last more than ten days or half month. But it is hard to see this kind
of traditional performance now. Nowadays, People prefer to go to cinema or watch
television in their homes. Shadow Puppets, along with any other traditional art forms
were kept in Museum


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