首页 练字文章 Responsibility.


2022-02-01 14:15  浏览数:552  来源:小键人4537829    

We often hear the word 'responsibility' and we are told to be responsible.
Teens are often misunderstood to be irresponsible.
But in fact, we really want to be responsible.
We crave responsibility because we want others to be certain of our capability.
We want to be dependable.
We would like to show that we are prepared and we don't panic.
Teens hope to be the best version of themselves
and be respected by their parents and teachers.
As teens, we are responsible for taking care of ourselves, being honest with ourselves,
and giving chances to ourselves to be imperfect.
Taking care of ourselves includes our physical and mental health.
When we have well-balanced nutrition, good sleep,
well-organized physical activity and consistent health monitoring,
we might have better health and be more aware of ourselves.
After that, we can enhance ourselves and face difficulties positively.
Being entirely honest with ourselves is also a good habit.
I regularly hear people saying that they don’t have time to do homework
or anything else. But actually, we have enough time for it.
It’s just because we didn’t plan for it and we lied to ourselves.
Most of the time, it is hard to get along with ourselves.
Being too responsible makes us want to be perfect.
However, no one is born to be perfect in the world.
So we should learn to give opportunities to ourselves to be imperfect.
We often absorb our mistakes as failures and start to fear them.
To be responsible, we should accept the truth that we are imperfect.
Responsibility is an important step to be aware of our own life.
As teens, what we have to be is to be responsible for ourselves.
Taking care of ourselves, being honest with ourselves,
and giving chances to ourselves to be imperfect are the easiest ways
for us to start to be responsible.
I hope all of us will be responsible and become the best version of ourselves.


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