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foxes cock and dogs

2022-01-08 11:36  浏览数:415  来源:半世蒼凉    

An old cock and a fox, It isevening. An old cock is sitting in a tree. A foxes to the
tree and looks up at the cock. Hello, Mr.Cock, I have good news for you, says the fox.
Ohsays the cock, What good news for me? All the animals are friends now. says the fox.
Fine! says the cock. Im very glad to know that. Then he looks up. Look! A dog is coming
this way。 What? A dog? says the fox. Well ...... well, Imust go now. Good by, Mr.cock!
Wait, Mr.Fox, Don't you like dogs? Don't you like playing with the dogs? Dogs are our
friends now. But, ...... but they may not know the news yet. Then he runs aways. I see, I
see, says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep.


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