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Since 引导从句

2020-11-26 17:04  浏览数:1389  来源:在线打字小编
Since 引导从句

Yang Li: 大家好欢迎收听BBC英语教学节目《你问我答》,我是杨莉。这是一个互动的教学栏目,你提问我们解答,通过大量例句来说明英语的使用规则和习惯用法,帮助大家提高进取。本周我选择的问题来自Lona,请我的同事Finn带读。

I'm quite confused about the meaning when the word "since" introduces a clause. What do the following sentences mean?
• I've known her since I've lived here.
• I've known her since I arrived here.
And could you show some more examples for a better understanding? Many thanks!
Yang Li: Lona 提的问题是在since 这个词引导一个从句的时候,它是什么意思?
• I've known her since I've lived here.自从我住在这里之后就认识她了。

• I've known her since I arrived here. 自从我到了这儿就认识她了。

Yang Li: 这两句话里面的since 都是自从的意思。Since是连词,引导一个时间状语从句。在汉语里就是从什么时候开始。下面我们再看更多例句:
We have been friends since we went to school together.
I have been helping Maya ever since she came to study in London.

Yang Li: 第一句话的意思是,自从我们一起开始上学的时候我们就是朋友了。这二句话的意思是,从Maya 来伦敦学习后我就一直在帮助她。

注意在since引导的从句里,动词必须是过去时:went to school; came to study in London. Let's listen again:
We have been friends since we went to school together.

I have been helping Maya ever since she came to study in London.

Yang Li: Since 除了可以引导一个从句之外它后面也可以跟一个具体的时间,比如年月日等等:
We have been friends since 1995.
Jack has not seen his son since last month.
I have been waiting here since 8 o'clock.

Yang Li: 最后我想提示大家since 有两个主要的意思,除了"自从"这个意思之外,它也可以作为介词,表示,"由于,因为"。比如:
Since it's the Chinese New Year, let's go to a Chinese restaurant.

Yang Li: 因为是中国的新年咱们还是去一家中餐馆吧。
We decided to stay indoors since it was raining.

Yang Li: 由于下雨我们决定呆在家里面。这两句中的since 都是因为的意思,表示原因。
最后我来揭晓本网页上的测试题答案:以下几句话里哪些since 表示时间,哪些表示原因?
• Since it was Sunday, I stayed in bed longer. 因为(reason).
• Since he arrived, everything has been different.自从(time).
• We have been friends since 1995.自从(time).
• We decided to stay indoors since it was raining. 因为(reason).
• I've known her since I arrived here.自从(time).
• Since it's the Chinese New Year I took her to a Chinese restaurant. 因为(reason).


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